KM 201b




Face Value Diameter mm Weight g Thickness mm Edge Composition Rotation
1 cent 19.0 2.5 1.55 Plain Copper-pl-Steel Coin
Obverse Reverse

In the center - the bust of Abraham Lincoln, designed by Victor D. Brenner has been on the penny since 1909 which was the 100th anniversary of Lincoln’s birth. The Lincoln cent was the first U.S. circulating coin to bear a president's image. On the right - the year of minting.

Inscriptions along the rim: title of state on the upper arch, word denomination on the lower one. In the center: since 1959, the reverse on the penny has been an image of the Lincoln Memorial designed by Frank Gasparro. It commemorated the 150th anniversary of Lincoln's birth.

The Lincoln Memorial is located on the National Mall in Washington, D.C.