KM 198.1




Face Value Diameter mm Weight g Thickness mm Edge - Lettered Composition Rotation
1 ruble 31.0 12.8 2.3 * ÎÄÈÍ ÐÓÁËÜ * (One rouble) Copper-Nickel Medal
Obverse Reverse

Coat of arms, title of state: "US-SR"  in  Russian, face value, the year of minting.

"40th Anniversary of Victory in the Patriotic War".

 In the center: image of Order of the Patriotic War, below - branch, dates.

Established on 20 May 1942, The Order of the Patriotic War was an Order (decoration) of the Soviet Union, and was awarded to all soldiers in the Soviet armed forces, security troops, and to partisans for heroic deeds during the Great Patriotic War.